
We care
for you

We focus on personal care, high quality treatment in line with the latest medical developments and findings and therefore the well-being of our patients.

Dr. med. dent.


It is a privilege and a great pleasure for me to welcome you to our practice. For more than 25 years I have been striving to provide the best possible care and quality of treatment, which is also reflected in our practice philosophy: «we care for you». Because it is both our goal and daily motivation that you feel comfortable and «in the best hands» with us.

Curriculum Vitae
Roland Glauser

Roland Glauser

DMD – University of Zürich


Curriculum Vitae

1986–1991 Undergraduate education and training at University of Zürich, Switzerland
1991 Federal exams (summa cum laude) at the medical faculty, University of Zürich, Switzerland
1992 Doctor degree ( received from medical faculty, University of Zürich, Switzerland
1991–1994 Private practice in Switzerland
1994–1997 Post-graduate training in prosthodontics, periodontics, oral surgery and specialization at the Department for Fixed Prosthodontics & Dental Materials, University of Zürich (head: Prof. Peter Schärer, M.S.)
1997–2006 Associate professor and research associate at the Department for Fixed Prosthodontics & Dental Materials, University of Zürich (head: Prof. Peter Schärer, M.S., and Prof. C.Hämmerle)
2006–2009 Clinical director Zürich Dental Center/Swiss Smile Clinics
2009–today Founder Cosmodent Clinic Zürich, Switzerland
2006–2020 Associate professor Department for Oral Rehabilitation and Department of Periodontics, Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University (GA), USA
2010 Founder Smile-Check services
2015 Founder Smile-Boost services
2021–today Member of the board DentaCore AG
2022–2023 Member of the board Havek Holding AG
2022–2023 Member of the board SIT Immo AG
2023 member of the board Zahnmedizin Luzern AG


Professional & scientific relations

1993–today Publication of more the 70 scientific and peer-reviewed articles, abstracts, book chapters and case reports with more than 14’000 references/mentions in other scientific publications
2000–2009 Consultant at the School of Dental Hygienists Zürich DHSZ
2000–2022 Global key advisor research & development Nobel Biocare AB
2001–2010 Reviewer for the Journal „Schweizer Monatsschrift Zahnmedizin“
2002 Reviewer for the European Medical Research Council
2002–2005 President of the scientific board of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology SSOI
2002–2006 Chair of the continuing education program at the Dental School, University of Zürich
2005–2006 Vice-president of the Swiss Society of Oral Implantology SSOI
2005–2016 Reviewer for the „Journal of Oral Rehabilitation“
2005–2018 Reviewer for the „Journal of Biomechanics“
2005–2016 Reviewer for the „Journal of Clinical Periodontology“
2005–today Faculty member Global Institute for Dental Education gIDE
2007–2009 Registered doctor in the United Kingdom (General Dental Council GDC #112292)
2006–today Chairman of the executive committee of The Leading Dental Centers of the World®
2006–2018 Research fellow at the Laboratory for Applied Periodontal & Craniofacial Regeneration LAPCR (head: Prof. Ulf Wikesjö), Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University (GA), USA
2007–today Member of the scientific board of the European Journal of Dental Implantologists EDI
2010–2019 Reviewer for the Journal „Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research“
2013–today Expert for the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitation FOR educational relations
2020–2022 Advisor to PaloDEx Group
2021–today Key advisor to Zircon Medical AG
2022 Faculty member Academy of Osseointegration Summit 2022 - group ceramic implants


Educational relations

2005–today Author of 13 online lectures with more than 78’000 views
2007 Member of the scientific committee of the 2007 Nobel Biocare World Conference in Las Vegas
2006–2009 Director of Swiss Smile Campus
2008 Member of the scientific committee of the 2008 Nobel Biocare World Tour
2004–today Web seminars & master classes for the Global Institute for Dental Education gIDE
2006–2021 Associate professor Department for Oral Rehabilitation and Department of Periodontics, Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University (GA), USA


Amongst other prestigious invitations, Dr. Glauser presented for the following renowned scientific associations

  • AO – Academy of Osseointegration
  • AAOMS – American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons
  • ADA – Australian Dental Association
  • ADF – Association Dentaire Fracaise
  • ADI – Association of Dental Implantology UK
  • AAO – Asian Academy for Osseointegration
  • AOS – Australasian Osseointegration Society
  • APS – Australian Prosthodontic Society
  • ASIO – Association Suisse pour l'Implantologie Orale
  • ASP – Australian Society of Periodontology
  • BDIZ EDI – European Association of Dental Implantologist
  • DGI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie
  • DGMKG – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
  • DGOI – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie
  • EACim – European Academy of Ceramic Implantology
  • EAO – European Association for Osseointegration
  • EUROPERIO – European Federation of Periodontology
  • FAID – Taiwan Formosa Academy of Implant Dentistry
  • GNYAP – Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics
  • IAOCI – International Academy of Ceramic Implantology
  • JAGO – Japan Academy of Gnathology and Occlusion
  • LA STATALE – Università degli studi di Milano
  • NHAD – Newport Harbor Academy of Dentistry
  • NVOI – Netherlandse Vereniging voor Orale Implantologie
  • NVvP – Netherlandse Vereniging voor Parodontologie
  • OeGI – Österreichische Gesellschaft für orale Implantologie
  • OeGZMK – Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
  • OMD – Ordem Dos Médicos Dentistas
  • RCS – Royal College of Surgeons of England
  • SAPIENZA – Universtità di Roma
  • SDS – Saudi Dental Society
  • SSC – Seattle Study Club
  • SFPIO – Société francais de parodontologie et d’implatologie orale
  • SGI – Schweizerische Gesellschaft für orale Implantologie
  • SIdP – Società Italiana di Periodontologia
  • SIO – Società Italiana Osseointegrazione
  • SYFAC – Swiss Academy for Oral Implantology and Surgery
  • Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited
  • VBT – Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging Tandartsen
  • 3D Facial Imaging Research Group


Public relations - print media

2004 University of Zürich Uni-Report 2004: featured article on „new teeth within an hour“
2004 Apotheken-Umschau: featured article on „new teeth within an hour“
2006 Gesundheit-Sprechstunde-Magazin: featured article on the use of dental implants in elderly people
2007 Vogue, russian edition, featured article on esthetic dentistry
2008 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on the Zürich Dental Center
2008 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on a new computer-based treatment planning
2009 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on dental implants
2009 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on digital imaging
2009 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on creating a new smile
2010 Schweizer Illustrierte: featured article on dental health care
2010 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article introducing the smile check
2010 Golf Leader Magazin: golf talk on smile attitudes
2010 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article introducing tooth colour check
2011 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on snore therapie
2012 Sprechstunde Dr.Stutz-Magazin: featured article on prophylaxis and mouthrinses
2021 Implantologie Journal 11-2021: interview on the performance of zirconia implants
2021 Ceramic Implants 2-2021: interview on osseointegration with zirconia implants
2022 PIP Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik 5-2022: interview on zirconia implants
2023 PIP Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik 6-2023: interview on preventing peri-implantitis
2023 Dental journal 4-2023: interview on biological versus mechanical treatment approaches


Public relations - television

2002 SRF Swiss Television - NZZ-Format: „Das weiße Lächeln“
2006 SRF Swiss Television - 10vor10: featured story on a new non-invasive method to use dental implants for immediate fixed teeth
2006 SRF Swiss Television - Gesundheit-Sprechstunde: featured story on a new treatment concept „teeth-in-an-hour“
2008 SRF Swiss Television - 10vor10: featured story on body piercings



1999 Academy Award Academy of Osseointegration AO, annual meeting Palm Springs/USA
2007 Academy Award Japan Academy of Gnathology and Occlusion, annual meeting Osaka, JPN
2007– Listed in Who’s Who® in the World annuals
2011– Listed in Who’s Who® in Medicine and Healthcare annuals





German, English, French, (Spanish)


Roland Glauser

«Our professional expertise helps you to maintain your smile permanently throughout your life.»

Dr. med. dent.


I am delighted that you are interested in our practice, which we have been running jointly since 2009. Together with our team, we strive every day to provide the best possible dental care and support. I am particularly interested in supporting patients with dental phobia. I am happy to take the time to advise you individually and look forward to welcoming you personally.

Curriculum Vitae
Nadya Marey

Nadya Marey

Dr. med. dent.


Curriculum Vitae

1995–2001 Studied dentistry at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/ Main (D)
2001 State examination (summa cum laude) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/ Main (D)
2004 Doctorate in dentistry (magna cum laude) at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/ Main (D)
2002–2004 Assistant dentist in private practice in Gelnhausen (D)
2004–2006 employed dentist in Zurich
Seit 2006 Self-employed dentist in Zurich
Seit 2009 Foundation of Cosmodent AG and work as an independent dentist
2006 Certification and specialisation in dental implantology
2010 Certification for Orthocaps treatments



Active member of the professional associations of APW, DGI, DGZMK, SSO



Nadya Marey

«Sensitive care in an appropriate atmosphere is a matter of course for me.»

Dr. med. dent.


Since more than 15 years I love my job as a dentist. It is a personal concern of mine to help you and your children to keep your teeth healthy and well-maintained for a lifetime. It is particularly important to me to prevent potential problems in orthodontics and conservative dentistry, to recognize existing problems at an early stage and to treat sensitively.

Curriculum Vitae
May Zimmermann

May Zimmermann

Dr. med. dent.


Curriculum Vitae

1994–2000 Studied human medicine at the University of Zurich
2000–2003 Studied dentistry at the University of Zurich
2003 State examination in dentistry at the University of Zurich
2005 Dissertation at the University of Zurich
2003–2008 Dental Clinic School Zurich
2008–2011 Assistant dentist in the Dr.R.Brand-Weber practice
Since 2011 Self-employed at the Cosmodent practice



Swiss Dental Society (SSO)
Swiss Association for Pediatric Dentistry (SVK)



May Zimmermann

«Good experiences form the basis for a future with healthy teeth.»


Gail Steimer

Gail Steimer

Dr. med. dent.
Eduard Hirsbrunner

Eduard Hirsbrunner

Dr. med. dent.
Heidi Gaier

Heidi Gaier

Certified dental hygienist HF
Curriculum Vitae
Heidi Gaier

Heidi Gaier

Certified dental hygienist HF


Curriculum Vitae

1989–1991 Training as a dental assistant, Dr. med. dent. Andreas Csernay, Reinach
1991–1994 Dental assistant, Dr. med. dent. Peter Riedo, Wohlen
1994–1997 Higher technical college in Berne, qualified dental hygienist HF
1997–2000 DH40% Dres.Konrad Rüeger/Roger Lamezan,
Practice for periodontology, Lenzburg
DH 60% Dres.Christian Bertschinger/Umberto Schläpfer, Dietikon
Okt/Nov 1998 ELS Language Centers, Santa Monica, California
2000–2006 License to practice in the Canton of Zurich
Self-employed in the dental hygiene practice of Heidi Gaier, Dietikon
2006–today certified expert in Oral Implantology by the European Dental Association EDA
2006–2009 clinical director Zürich Dental Center/Swiss Smile Clinics
2006 Postgraduate diploma in terminal anesthesia at the DH School Zurich
2006–heute Dental hygienist Dres.Roland Glauser/Nadya Marey, Cosmodent Zurich
Marlena Maizar

Marlena Maizar

Certified dental hygienist RDH
Oliver Iqbal

Oliver Iqbal

Certified dental hygienist HF
Roberta Zampatti

Roberta Zampatti

Certified dental hygienist HF
Curriculum Vitae
Roberta Zampatti

Roberta Zampatti

Dipl. Dentalhygienikerin HF



1989–1990 SSO Diplom in Zürich (Röntgen und Lehrtochter Ausbildung)
1992–1994 Dentalhygiene Schule – Minerva, Zürich
Anerkennung im 2000 zur HF DH
1997–1999 Handelsdiplom VSH
2001 Nachdiplom in der Terminalanästhesie am Careum AG, Zürich
2013 Problem basiertes Lernen und Lehren – Basiskurs PBL
2014 SVEB Modul 1 Pädagogische Weiterbildung Berufsbildnerin im Nebenberuf
2012–2017 Careum AG, Dentalhygiene Schule, Minervastrasse 99, 8032 Zürich als Pädagogische Mitarbeiterin


Berufliche Tätigkeiten

2004–2010 Dr. Levy, Seefeldstrasse, 8008 Zürich
2010–jetzt Cosmodent, Zahnärzte am Bahnhofplatz 9, 8001 Zürich
2004–2023 Zahnärzte am Vorderberg 5, 8044 Zürich
Dr. med. dent. N. Boitel
2023–jetzt Zahnärzte am Vorderberg 5, 8044 Zürich
Dr. med. dent. Daniele und Alexaner Deak (Übernahme von Dr. med. dent. N. Boitel)



Laura Ramadani

Laura Ramadani

Practice manager/Receptionist
Arta Osmani


Dental assistant
Argnesa Ibraimi


Leila Aljilji


Dental assistant
Marina Gradenegger


Dental assistant
Mariam Hammad


Dentalassistentin in Ausbildung
Johanna Wendl


Zahntechnikerin SBFI
Anna Gmür


Viktoria Marchukova



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